My role is led by an internal calling to "assist" and "protect" as I've always felt on "Mission".
To study our natural world as a Botanist, research the molecular evolution of a global plant group and complete a PhD. Wonderful travels around Australia and other parts of the world collecting plants for DNA analysis. Visiting and connecting to the original ecosystems of Gaia and describing new plant species.
I was driven to connect to our original forests, to be amongst our botanical family and learn about the diversity of plant species and our elemental brothers and sisters.
Along the way, I was guided to connect more deeply to our geological friends, developing open awareness to the energetic signatures of our Earth Systems and the Crystal Kingdom.
My Awakening to My Higher Light Mission returned in 2012 and today I continue to share my light as a Multidimensional Healer in Alliance with my Soul Family.
I work very closely with my Cosmic Team who are an integral part of my physical and multidimensional reality.
Since 2020, I've led a global light group to .join together in light to assist the Planetary Ascension of Gaia and Humanity.
The Crystal Devas have emerged as a big part of my channelling journey, requesting me to write a number of books. I'm now entering a space of deeper understanding to the Ancient Ways of Planet Earth, particularly the relationships of the Crystals and Ancient Civilisations.
In 2021, I published my first book, Crystal Guardians of Gaia and New Earth, Multidimensional Healing and Planetary Wisdom. I'm currently completing the second Crystal Devic light book, soon to be published.
Sending love, together we align in a space of love and unity consciousness on beautiful Gaia.
Together We Join In Light
With Love,
Karen Lithika xx