Multidimensional Crystal and Planetary Wisdom
Discover invaluable information about the history and birthing of crystals, their purpose in assisting Humanity and Gaia’s Ascension to the New Earth Light World.
Learn about the Crystal Akashic Records and Crystals in the higher dimensions.
Discover how to open your consciousness to crystal communication
Find new powerful ways to work with Crystals as a Crystal Light Healer
Learn new techniques to expand your healing modalities
Many millennia ago, crystals were a fundamental part of society and were used in all aspects of energy healing, portal travelling and living a higher vibrational existence. Today, the crystals are assisting us to remember our ancestral origins and our connection to their crystalline frequencies.
As our light bodies rise to a higher vibrational frequency, we become more aware of the crystalline frequency of crystals, their messages and integrations with our light bodies.
This book is a portal of new light information, of crystalline light awareness calling you at a cellular - light body crystalline resonance.
Allow the encoded light words to assist your higher light understanding of the Crystal Kingdom and associated light allies.
As the Light Journey enables us to connect more deeply to higher levels of consciousness and light understanding.
A wonderful tool to expand your crystalline connection to crystals and your Light Journey.
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